Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Think We Mixed Up Global Warming With The Crazy Viruses That Have Been Going On


(Done on my phone, one with links will be updated later, thanks!)

In early January I got hit by a crazy cold/flu or whatever. I know there are more versions of cold stories then that female mesa killer. We are so concerned about the global warming situation that we just shrugged off one of the most widespread viruses we've seen in a long time. Oh, also I'd like to point out as a proud Arizonian that it fucking (sorry mom I know you read this!) SNOWED in Phoenix and Glendale! "Omg like the world is soooo hot and it's like totally gonna destroy us!!" No, the only thing destroyed was my hope to go play in snow inside the vally. But it's cool. There is always next time? Well anyways I do not believe that the world is ending anytime soon and especially due to "global warming". I see global warming like I see Jersey Shore and the Mayan calendar, Fake!

I actually have a theory that our earth is the size it is because of the billions of unknown years of damage from meteors and I'm sure at one point we got hit by the mother lord of asteroids that did enough damage equivalent of like, maybe 1,000,000 big boys? However you wanna put it, you can't argue the meteor that hit Russia. So someday I wouldn't be surprised if we got hit by another "screw you" from the infinite universe. But from November last year to now in February, there have still been reports of flus and colds.

The point I'm trying to get across? I don't know, really I just hate cold/flus and people who talk constantly about how the world is gonna end because of global warming. If it snowed in Arizona then you can bet a sweet penny that maybe the sun is getting hotter and that is melting the ice caps? Maybe we just like to scare people into thinking their lives are doomed. Whatever you fancy, you go for. Just don't give me a cold.

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