Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Think We Mixed Up Global Warming With The Crazy Viruses That Have Been Going On


(Done on my phone, one with links will be updated later, thanks!)

In early January I got hit by a crazy cold/flu or whatever. I know there are more versions of cold stories then that female mesa killer. We are so concerned about the global warming situation that we just shrugged off one of the most widespread viruses we've seen in a long time. Oh, also I'd like to point out as a proud Arizonian that it fucking (sorry mom I know you read this!) SNOWED in Phoenix and Glendale! "Omg like the world is soooo hot and it's like totally gonna destroy us!!" No, the only thing destroyed was my hope to go play in snow inside the vally. But it's cool. There is always next time? Well anyways I do not believe that the world is ending anytime soon and especially due to "global warming". I see global warming like I see Jersey Shore and the Mayan calendar, Fake!

I actually have a theory that our earth is the size it is because of the billions of unknown years of damage from meteors and I'm sure at one point we got hit by the mother lord of asteroids that did enough damage equivalent of like, maybe 1,000,000 big boys? However you wanna put it, you can't argue the meteor that hit Russia. So someday I wouldn't be surprised if we got hit by another "screw you" from the infinite universe. But from November last year to now in February, there have still been reports of flus and colds.

The point I'm trying to get across? I don't know, really I just hate cold/flus and people who talk constantly about how the world is gonna end because of global warming. If it snowed in Arizona then you can bet a sweet penny that maybe the sun is getting hotter and that is melting the ice caps? Maybe we just like to scare people into thinking their lives are doomed. Whatever you fancy, you go for. Just don't give me a cold.

Get Ready. (Smiley Face.)

Tonight I did 200 sit-ups, 100 push-ups and 50 sit-ups with the medicine ball.
Oh it feels good to be back.
The stupid common cold can suck my big toe.
Seriously, because it sucked.
Hints the lack of posts.
Get ready...I'm back!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Hump Day, Right At Twelve, Because I Watched Joe Schmo Instead Of Justified. Fuck Me.
How I Feel.

Check Out A Picture This Kid Dug Up Of His Grandpa Doing His Pre Computer Self Portrait

Realised that he was a true hipster

So this guy is going through old pictures of his grandfather for a funeral (Condolences) and stumbles upon this picture of his grandapa doing the old school self portrait! Rad.

Thanks Reddit and the guy who posted this mind boggling event.

Watch People In Harlem Get Upset About The "Harlem Shake". Thank You Harlem!

I found this great video of the great people of the neighborhood Harlem letting us all know what we need to know. YOU ARE NOT DOING THE HARLEM SHAKE RIGHT. If I couldn't be more clear here it is Thanks to a post from +Eddie Belaval

What Id Look Like If I Had A Italian Stash.

Ohh Yeah.
Let it soak in.

A Humbling Video Of A$AP Rocky Talking About His New Album (DOPE)

Mad respect for Flocko!

Some Sound Advice

"Grammar is important! Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your Uncle jack off a horse."
-Someone Smart
Happy Tuesday.

Old Nuke Sound Resembles That Of The Meteor That Hit Russia. (It will blow your mind)

So I have been up tonight because I took a very Zen nap at my parents house, also when I got home from my parents house. So, A. wtf is up with my sleep scheduled and B. I decided to watch Nuke videos...I don't know why. Remember the other day when I was saying that Conspiracy theorists where gonna have a field day with the Russian meteor? Well dumb ass me found a way crazy cawinkydink in two videos without ever freaking trying that now makes me look absolutely stupid. Wanna see?

Exhibit A.
The British Weaseling Their Way Into Being Third To Have Nukes.
Pay attention to the sound at 3:58.


Exhibit B
The Meteorite Hitting Mother Russia
Listen to the sound at 0:32.



I am not claiming anything, I just thought it was a crazy coincidence that makes you think.
Either way check out all those British chaps shit themselves when the boom goes by!

Can You Imagine Chilling In Space? IN 1080p!!??

Mind Blowing, Right?

Don't make a peep.

Brought to you by extreme advertisements.
Because they DGAF hard.
So do chocolate goldfish.
Those things are bananas.
Like whoa.

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Mondays.

This Is How We Party

Watching Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless Argue The Things No One Cares About.


Happy Presidents Day. Lets celebrate this Real fake holiday by doing nothing on a day off.

Im Cleaning.

Thug Lyfe.

But here is a video of Skip Bayless being Skip Bayless.

*Watch for the racist Dwight Howard Joke right off the bat!*

Good Night Bloggers

I Lost My Shit When He Throws The Glass.


More Meteor Memes Making Me Laught (Because I Couldnt Think Of Another M Word.)

Laugh Your Asses Off. Legggooooo.

By TopNews

By Know Your Meme


By Know Your Meme
By Know Your Meme

On Reddit

By Swiftor

By Masgable

and made by yours truly....

The Russian Meteor Is Gonna Be Like Catnip For Conspiracy Theorists

     With all the true misleading news circulating through the news streams, I can't wait for all the theory's about how it was a missile or something absolutely meth-tastic! I will always listen to a good argument, but when it comes to circumstances like live videos filmed by non scared Russians, i'll let them be the judge. In one of the videos from a Cracked Article, a guy is wearing flip-flops in what I can only be sure is below freezing weather.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

First Post.


Boo Ya.  One down, probably ten more if my attention keeps. Now lets all see how many mistakes we can point out.

Enjoy These Cuties.

Music Monday, Yo!

Music Monday 2/17/13

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is income taxes.” - Albert Einstein




The Singles Review Of The Week



1. "Harlem Shake" By Baauer


- If you have the access to any form of media coverage, chances are you have seen the web sensation "Harlem Shake" and the good folks of the planet earth dancing to it. Yes, we have moved from "Gangnam Style" to a new dance that lasts thirty seconds and takes the mental capacity of a turkey staring open beaked in rain to do it. But that is for another day and story. This reviews the song itself and I personally love it. It has all the vitamins and minerals I look for in dance songs in this time and age. Since I am white and cant dance, I love the beats ability to allow you to dance carelessly and look like you are trying. If billions of people can dance to it on the internet, its gotta be doing something right. Also, who doesn't get a kick hearing the guy say "Do the Harlem shake"? I know I don't. The song is pretty much the first 30 seconds on repeat, but these days aren't all songs that way? 

 (5/5 In My Book!)


2. "Power Trip" By J. Cole ft Miguel


- I dont know much about J. Cole other than he is a talented artist and lyricist. I have heard a few of his song and been rather impressed. ". It reminds me a little of Justin Timberlake's "Suit and Tie" but still has a heavy rap persona and great flow by J. Cole. (Rhyme Intended) Originally I thought I wouldn't like this song seeing as though I have only heard a small amount of J Cole. But I listened to it and I mean listened to it a lot since I chose to stop being an ignorant music critic asshole. I really enjoy it now. I wish Miguel had a verse towards the end, but oh well, still dope. This song gets me ramped up and ready to go for the album!  

 (5/5 In My Book!)

3. "Lovin You" By Slim Thug ft 



(5/5 In My Book)

4. "Started At The Bottom" By Drake


- Now this one might get a little mean. I don't dislike drake, I personally got to see him with Lil Wayne on stage for the first time. I also, like so many others of you that wont admit it, blared all his lovey dovey original hits. But this is where I draw the line for celebrities with their heads so far up their famous ass that they just make us hate them. Which leads me to the four lyrics I despise the most and four reasons the music video should make you hate him. Lesss gooo.




4 Lyrics I HATE From The Song "Started at the Bottom" and why


"Started from the bottom now we here."
-You didn't start from the bottom. You started at Degrassi, don't forget it because we wont.   
"my uncle calling Explainme like "Where ya at?", I gave you the keys told ya bring it right back”. Nigga, I just think its Explainfunny how it goes."
- Apparently he steals his uncles car and argues with his mom every month. Cool Asshole.  
"I could turn your boy into a man."
-I am sorry, What? How? Ehhhh him to death?
"Story stays the same through the money and the fame."
-Says everyone before they get rich.

4 Reasons the "Started from the bottom" Music Video Should Make You Hate Drake

You play a night manager. (0:39) Last time I checked that pays more then nothing. You also apparently leave that job and go to somewhere other then CANADA. Way to go staying in your home town.  
His two white friends with about as much game as a no armed basketball player. (Videos are welcome if this happened.) Whether they were young or what they acted so dumb. Great posse bro, way to represent Canada, eh? (0:55-2:05 BEWARE: This WILL be a Waste of Your Time)
The billboard of "Started at the bottom" looking like a Lebron Ad. (2:51)  
Thanks for showing us you can travel anywhere, anytime. Nothing makes us feel more better then the fact you have a private jet. (Whole Damn Video)


(1/5 Stars. One for writing the song)


5. "Love me" By Lil Wayne ft Drake, Future


- Okay. I like The Future and his verses for some unknown reason. I have hope that Lil Wayne will make a comeback, because Ive been listening to him since I was 12, chilling on the way home from picking my mom up from work in Phoenix and just straight bumpin' "The Carter" on my Walkman. I miss those days. I miss Leaned out WaYnE, not pissy wayne he seems to be now. Last and least is Drake. If you read the single review above, you know whats up. So the song, the future doesn't disappoint, I like his stoned sounding verse minus Drake claiming "I could give a fuck about no hater as long as these bitches love me". Wayne's verses were sub par but I still enjoy them a little, he could use some more one liners but it WASN'T horrible. If it wernt for Drake absolutely ruining a feature by doing the absolute least he could do, Id say this was an A+. But Drake did ruin it, so sorry Weezy.


(3/5 Because of Drake)




Album Review:






A New Hope For Rap 


Album Cover

  Who is A$AP Rocky? A highly talented new rapper from Harlem with the lean sipping swagger of Lil Wayne and a splash of that good ol' teen spirit. Months ago if you asked me, "Garrett, what do you think of A$AP Rocky?" I would have said "Who?". Now I can tell you he is one of my personal favorites in the rap community right now. On January 11th 2013 (Two days before my birthday. Could not have come out at a better time.) A$AP released his much anticipated album "Long.Live.A$AP". Four weeks prior I watched the music video for "Long Live A$AP" and found a new diamond in the rough.

   A edgy sounding, gold grilled rapper who tells us to have sex with parental supervision and he aint kidding so hide your kittens. Now I have rhapsody so I don't have to get butt raped by the prices of iTunes and get to listen to everything free. But if I do want to bump some mad toons in my car I have to buy the songs I like and burn them to a CD. Well needless to say I bought a good portion of this CD. For about a week in January I only listened to five songs off the album I had burned for my car. That’s a long time for five songs, especially for me and I enjoyed every minute of the songs over and over.

   The one thing I love most about this album is that it gives me hope for the next generation of Rap. Some people could care less if Rap fell of the face of the earth but I enjoy all music so don't do that rap. It gives me hope because it mixes gangster rap, fashion, weed, real drugs and of course don't forget the bad ass bitchhesss! This is rapping 101. All Some rappers do good to grrrrreat on their first album because they rap about what we all secretly want.
   He kept to the script in songs such as "PMW" or "Ghetto Symphony.". We hear about pain and struggles and negative things, America feeds off that shit for some reason. Just go to any Youtube page and read the comments. We are Assholes. But anyways, he is young and crazy as shown in the song "Wild For The Night" by him and his homie skrillex and he is sure golden especially with the single "Goldie" He talks about pain and hell, plus those are two song titles.  

"Nigga's mad cuz im smooth puffin zig zags."
    I honestly love this album to death and only dislike a few songs and I use dislike lightly. When writing the positives and negitives for the album, it shocked me that I didnt write anything negative, not that it deserves any negatives. Its gangster, the beats bump hard, great guests from Schoolboy Q to Kendrick Lemar and some great lyrics. 5/5 in my book Young Flocko! Keep up the good work and can't wait for the next album!


Artist Of The Week:

ScHoolboy Q


Artist Review On Schoolboy Q 


This week I listened to an artist I have overlooked for a little while, and I should be slapped hard for doing so. With the release of A$AP Rocky's Album, I had the time to listen to all the songs. That is where Schoolboy comes in. In the song "PMW" he makes an appearance, and quite an appearance he makes. Not only did it change my view on him, it also made me want to listen to more of his music. Looking for new artist to listen to I figured if A$AP worked with him id give him a try and this guy is great! You gotta love his rapper persona and the way he voices his lyrics. It feels like every time he raps you can see him in the booth having a great time and enjoying himself. Something I admire in a rapper. To give you a bigger insight on how much I love one of his songs, Ive racked up at least a hundred plays of the song "There He Goes" since I listened to it on Thursday.






What I am Listening to And Some of My Favorite Lyrics:


"There He Go" - Schoolboy Q  


"Chiefin like a motherfuckin Seminole."/"Got my daughter dancing like her motherfuckin daddy though."/"Word to Dr. Dre, detox is like a mix away."


"PMW" - A$AP Rocky ft Schoolboy Q   


"Fuck around bring the hush puppies back."/"Shit i'd pay you for it, now bounce that ass on my bungee cord."/"Now do A through Z for a G, Panties go down to her feet, Pussy get wetter for me, Smackin' that ass to the beat, Give her that Diggity-D"


"Compton" - Kendrick Lamar ft Dr. Dre 


"Fix your lenses, forensics, woulda told you Kendrick got killed and pretend its a massacre. And the masses upon us And I master being the the master at dodging your honor."/"I’m trying to stay grounded like four flats But I know Flex and piru crip tats"/"And that’s a given, I pass the blunt then pass the torch. Of course it’s my decision."/"Harsh realities we in, made our music translate. To the coke dealers, the hood rich and the broke niggas that play."